Post-Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery

Congratulations! You have lost weight either through diet and exercise or weight reduction surgery. However, you may be dissatisfied with the loose, sagging skin and underlying tissues that are unable to retract to your new body size. Additionally, your breasts, upper arms, and other regions of your body can sag and develop unsightly hanging characteristics.

All of this can be addressed with Dr. Brueck’s body contouring methods in Fort Myers. For a cosmetic consultation, please call 239-939-5233 today.

What is Body Contouring?

Body contouring eliminates excess sagging skin and fat, improving the tone and shape of your body. It addresses the underlying tissues that support your skin and results in a redefined body with optimal contours. Body contouring may involve several procedures, including arm liftbreast augmentationtummy tuck, and more. Many patients think of body contouring as their final step in their weight loss experience.

Body contouring may also include a facelift for those who have lost weight and are now experiencing sagging skin on the face. A facelift will tighten underlying muscles and tissue, resulting in a slimmer, more youthful looking appearance.

Am I a good candidate for Body Contouring in Fort Myers?

An open and honest consultation with Dr. Brueck is necessary before deciding to undergo body contouring. Your weight needs to be stabilized before the procedure for ideal results. If you continue to lose weight, sagging skin and fat will redevelop. If you gain weight after the procedure, you will stress your thinned, stretched skin causing more stretch marks and wider scars from surgery. Before body contouring, you need to commit yourself to a healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise.

What can I expect after Body Contouring?

The results of body contouring are immediate while continuing to improve over the course of a year. Body contouring does involve visible scars, but the overall results are relatively permanent as long as you maintain your stable weight.

How long is recovery following Body Contouring?

After completing your body contouring procedure, you will be dressed in bandages and a compression garment. A small tube may be placed under the skin to collect any blood or fluid buildup to minimize complications. It is critical to follow Dr. Brueck’s specific aftercare instructions for a positive recovery and recovery time.


What Can I Expect From Body Contouring?

Body contouring is a process that tightens the skin, eliminates fat, and gets rid of loose skin. It is a highly personalized procedure, but it can also be invasive. Liposuction, for example, is an invasive procedure where incisions are made so the plastic surgeon can insert a small tube called a cannula to suction out lingering fat cells. 

Another common procedure in body contouring is the tummy tuck or abdominoplasty. A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure where the abdominal muscles are tightened and excess fat is removed. The results this operation produces are permanent. 

Body contouring can be just one procedure or multiple, depending on what your aesthetic goals are. You will work out the details during your consultation with Dr. Brueck.

Are There Any Risks of Having Body Contouring?

Yes, there are quite a few risks you need to be aware of before considering having body contouring. Due to the invasive nature of the corresponding procedures, you need to consider the surgical risks. 

These risks include the following:

  • Bleeding
  • Accumulation of fluid
  • Numbness in the treated areas
  • Changes in skin sensitivity
  • Body asymmetry
  • Scarring
  • Having an allergic reaction to the anesthesia

If these risks are too concerning, there are safer alternatives. For example, instead of getting liposuction, you can have lipolysis. Lipolysis is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure where it breaks down fat via laser heat. 

Is Body Contouring Covered By Insurance?

In most cases, body contouring is not typically covered by insurance. This is because the procedures involved with the process are purely cosmetic. However, your insurance company may help cover the cost if the procedures are deemed “medically necessary.” You will need to contact your provider to see if your policy covers the procedures you are looking to have done. 

Is There a Specific Body Weight or BMI Requirement for Body Lift Surgery?

Because body lift procedures focus on contouring and sculpting the body, it is important that you are as close to your goal weight as possible when undergoing body contouring treatments. While there is no set weight and no exact amount of weight loss you will need to lose before you procedure, we recommend you have a BMI of at least 30 and below.

Having a BMI of 30 or below will allow for optimal contouring and sculpting. Body contouring procedures will achieve a more sculpted, defined figure when a patient is near their goal weight. For many weight loss patients, the body lift is often the last step in their weight loss journey before they achieve their overall goal weight.

Will There Be Visible Scars after a Body Lift?

Just like any other cosmetic surgical procedure, the body lift can come with the possibility of leaving a few visible scars behind. However, at Beauty By Brueck, Dr. Brueck approaches each body contouring procedure with the utmost care, ensuring that any incisions and scarring that must be made during your procedure are as minimally visible as possible.

Scars will typically lighten within six to twelve months after your procedure. However, some scars can last a lifetime. If your visible scarring is bothersome to you, our team is happy to recommend a few other treatments that can help reduce the appearance of scars.

What Should I Look for in a Qualified and Experienced Plastic Surgeon for a Body Lift?

While the risks and complications from body contouring procedures are quite rare, selecting a qualified plastic surgeon can minimize the possibility of risks during both your surgery and recovery.

The first step in selecting a qualified surgeon is noting that they are a board-certified plastic surgeon you can trust. Other factors of surgical expertise can include

  • Board Certifications
  • Degree from an accredited medical school
  • Several years in surgical training
  • Several years in plastic surgery residency training

To help you find the right surgeon for your aesthetic goals, reading patient testimonials as well as viewing before and after pictures of the surgeon’s work can help you make a decision.

Luckily, at Beauty by Brueck, Dr. Robert J. Brueck is a fellowship-trained, board-certified plastic surgeon with decades of experience helping patients achieve their aesthetic goals, feel their best, and look great. With a medical degree from the University of Illinois College of Medicine in Chicago, patients who undergo body contouring procedures with Dr. Brueck can expect a high-quality, personalized approach when it comes to their procedure.

How Long Will the Results from My Body Lift Last?

The results from your body lift will be permanent. Once the excess skin and fat is removed from your body, there is no way the removed fat can return. However, if you suddenly gain back a significant amount of weight, the appearance of the results from your body contouring procedure will change. 

How Can I Maintain the Results of My Body Lift?

Staying in shape is key to maintaining the results you achieve from your body lift or body contouring procedure. To preserve your results and avoid altering your newly sculpted figure, we recommend patients stick to the following habits:

  • Maintain an exercise routine.
  • Stick to a healthy, balanced, and nutritious diet.
  • Consume protein-rich foods.
  • Reduce stress factors.
  • Allow yourself time for rest and relaxation.

Schedule a Consultation for Your Body Lift Today

If you’re ready to end your weight loss journey for good, now’s the time to schedule your consultation for a body lift today. Contact Beauty by Brueck at 239-939-5233 for your cosmetic consultation, or click here. Dr. Brueck serves patients in and around Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Punta Gorda, and other areas of Florida.