Is it Worth Getting a Breast Augmentation?

Posted: July 8, 2020

Transcript: Is it worthwhile to get a breast augmentation? My answer is very simple, very direct: For sure. It is.

Most of the women that come into my practice are 20 to 30/35 and they’ve had one, two, three kids, and having pregnancies – one or multiple – plays havoc on your breasts. And one of the things that’s most common – and I would say 90% of the time – women lose volume. Well, there’s only one way to restore volume to the breasts and that’s with breast augmentation.

You know, many times, women say, ‘I spent money on these magic creams that are supposed to make my breasts enlarge.’ Whatever. They simply don’t work. Breast augmentation does.

One of the things I do now is I do a composite aug, where I put an implant in and take fat from one part of the body to enhance the shape and the aesthetic of the final outcome.

So yes, breast augmentation is very popular and very uplifting to a woman’s psyche. So, if you have any questions, feel free to call my office, (239) 939-5233, or go to my website, We’d be more than happy to get an email out to you answering your particular questions. 

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